5/10/2016 0 Comments Day 12; Vegan Burgers and Catch Up (IN Air, Barcelona, Spain - Florence, Italy)Tuesday - ohmygoodness, did I really not write at all during my adventure day in Barcelona?? And of course there was in fact a truly overwhelming amount of adventure around the beautiful Gothic Area of Barcelona as well. I wouldn't go all the way to Spain just to stay in my room! (As tempting as that always is...)
This journal was originally created for my GoFundMe supporters, but has been opened up on a Donation Basis! Give what you can and What Feels Good To You to help support little ol' me and future adventures and special blog posts like these.
<3 <3 <3 Secrets De Espana.. And Beyond!!After the successful GoFundMe-ing of my surprise Yoga Adventure in Spain, I wanted to try something new and create something special just for my supporters. So.. here 'tis! CategoriesAll Day 10; Barcelona Day 12 Parte Due; Tuesday In Tuscany Day 12; Vegan Burgers And Catch Up Day 13 - France. Wow. Day 14; Putting The Can In Cannes Day 15; Paris Day 17; Heading Home Day 1; The Flight Day 2; Landing In Spain Day 2 Part 2; The Worst Case Scenario Day 3; The Journey To El Gastor Day 4; The Yoga Begins Day 5; Forgiveness & Pasta Day 6; Conquering Castles Day 7; Catching A Breath (Not) Day 8; The Beginning Of Goodbyes Day 9 - The First Photo Shoot |