5/30/2017 0 Comments Ready(ish) To Blast Off! (Featuring JSigerson Photo for My upcoming World Tour!)As you likely already know, I'm about to leave on my first world tour!! As you also already likely know, I have decided that a three month solo journey around the globe wasn't enough stress for one little blonde babe, so I've also created My First IndieGoGo and am currently crowdfunding the necessary funds to turn this trip into my first official webseries. And part of that process was a pitch page for "This Just Jin - Worldwide!" that features a countdown timer to my first flight this Friday evening...This timer, which I thought was such a novel idea, has now become the deafening, ticking time bomb of what feels like my destruction. Or at least the destruction of my life on "stable ground." Come Saturday morning, I am a full-time traveler for the next three months, with dozens of photo shoots lined up, ZERO return flights booked, and infinite possibilities for disaster.And I am fucking ready for it all!
Jin N Tonic here..With a special page dedicated purely to my #JNT VIPs - You fucking rock. Please enjoy my just-for-you monthly photo sets, downloads, secret sales and announcements, private posts, giveaways, and more, just for my VIPs! Archives
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